What you need to know about data compliance for SaaS companies

SaaS companies are directly affected by data protection laws. They handle customers’ personal information; hence, they constantly have to update their security standards to meet data localization requirements. Global SaaS companies often use cloud services when executing their business obligations. To remain within the ambit of the law, they must also adhere to security standards for cloud data processing and storage.

Failure to comply with data protection and privacy laws can result in severe financial losses and reputational damage. For example, in 2019, Google Inc was fined to the tune of £50 million for non-compliance with a GDPR requirement. More recently, in 2021, Amazon Europe paid a whooping £746 million for a similar blunder. However, your SaaS company doesn’t have to be the next on this list since Google Inc and Amazon’s experiences warn global SaaS companies to prioritize SaaS compliance requirements. 

In this article, we intend to explain the basic concepts and regulations international SaaS companies need to know about data compliance and residency.

What does SaaS data compliance mean? 

Data compliance is the sum of practices and procedures implemented by organizations in adherence to applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Because SaaS solutions are usually based on subscriptions, clients’ data is required for personalized services. SaaS compliance requires that data collated for such purposes is handled at every stage according to the security prescriptions contained in relevant laws and regulations. Data compliance is cumbersome for SaaS companies that utilize cloud technology to provide application services across countries. However, it would help if you familiarize yourself with the following terms. The truth is that you will oftentimes stumble over them as your company journey through software compliance standards. 

Here is a brief overview of some data compliance terms you should know: 

Data compliance is usually measured by external organizations authorized by law to do so. Data compliance is also a continuous process, so these guidelines must be reviewed regularly for real-time compliance. 

What do you need to consider when implementing SaaS data compliance? 

SaaS companies’ activities involve regular interactions with customers’ personal data. At nearly every turn, there is a data regulation requirement to be met. 

Here are some of the cases in which SaaS companies will need to observe software compliance standards: 

Mismanagement of sensitive data, like credit card numbers or health care information, can result in significant penalties for any company. The GDPR places a hefty sum of 4% of the company’s turnover or £20 million, whichever is higher. If a SaaS company deals with sensitive personal data, such data should be processed with the highest security standards possible. 

Many jurisdictions place requirements regulating data transfer from one country to another. These laws apply directly to global SaaS companies because they usually have branches in different countries and must comply with data protection practices.  

Doing business on a multi-national level as a SaaS company implies that you have updated technology to comply with different, ever-changing local and regional laws. More countries are adopting strict privacy rules, and SaaS companies who want to do business in those countries must carefully keep track of their requirements. 

Key concepts of data compliance 

Most common data compliance and security regulations 

Data residency for SaaS companies is affected by many local and international regulations worldwide. Let’s examine some of them:


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the regulation made by the European Parliament for Great Britain and European Union member countries to protect personal data. Although GDPR is a European law, it affects organizations from any country insofar as they carry out activities involving the personal data of European residents. Thus, SaaS GDPR compliance is a necessity for global SaaS companies. 

The seven core principles on which the GDPR provisions are hinged include: 

The GDPR is regarded as one of the strictest privacy laws in the world, not only because of its complex requirements but also due to its hefty penalties for non-compliance. 


PIPL is the data protection law of China. It deals with privacy rules on how organizations handle citizens’ personal information. The scope of the PIPL covers organizations in China and those operating outside of China that still process Chinese citizens’ or residents’ data.

PIPL makes general provisions on data protection, including rules for processing sensitive information, rules for cross-border transfer of sensitive personal information, rights of individuals to their information, the obligation of processors, and legal liability for default of its provisions. 

ISO/IEC 27001: 

ISO is the International Organisation for Standardization, and IEC is the International Electrotechnical Commission. These bodies usually liaise in matters of common interest, like technology. For example, they both comprise the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) in information technology. This committee is responsible for creating Information Security Management Standards (ISMS) for organizations worldwide, one of which is the ISO/IEC 27001. The ISO/IEC 27001 is not a regulation in the strictest sense but rather a standard for information security management. It is globally accepted among SaaS companies as a leading standard for information security. An ISO certification is a veritable proof of standard data compliance.  

SOC 2: 

Service Organisation Control or SOC refers to the data reporting framework established by the American Institute of CPAs for SaaS companies. The policies and procedures contained in the SOC 2 are not prescriptive, but complying with them can help SaaS companies safeguard data more efficiently. 

 SOC 2 requirements are based on five Trust Service Principles, namely: 

SOC 2 applies to service-providing companies that store customer data in the cloud, which includes most SaaS companies. 


HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as the Kennedy-Kassebaum Act. It was enacted by the United States Congress in 1996, creating rules for protecting patients’ health information in medical facilities. Personal health information (PHI) includes all identifiable information about an individual’s health in any format.

HIPAA compliance for SaaS companies requires, for instance, that SaaS companies must obtain consent from the data subject before their personal health information is disclosed to another party or used for another purpose. HIPAA also provides rules against the unauthorized use of such information. 

The HIPAA provisions apply to insurance providers, healthcare providers, and employers. 


PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. This Standard offers a suite of requirements for securing credit card information. Merchants, organizations, and software applications requiring credit card subscriptions must comply with PCI DSS standards to avoid liabilities resulting from the loss of sensitive financial data. A few of these requirements include data encryption, strong password policies, access controls, active firewalls, etc. 

How InCountry helps with data compliance 

Information security is at the core of InCountry’s offerings. InCountry provides data residency-as-a-service in more than 90 countries across different continents. InCountry maintains SaaS regulatory compliance as prescribed by the General Data Protection Regulation, SOC 2 and 3, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and other laws. 

Below are a few listed ways InCountry can help you with data compliance: 

Find more of InCountry’s offerings for your SaaS company when you click here or tap this link for a full list of InCountry’s compliance and security standards

Got any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experts for assistance.