January 19, 2022

InCountry Continues to Advance its Security Certifications

InCountry Continues to Advance its Security Certifications

As of January 2022, InCountry has officially earned three new security certifications: Level-1 compliance on Russia’s Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” SOC I Type II, and GxP. Being the world’s first data-residency-as-a-service platform, every security certification InCountry achieves makes it that much easier for our customers to smoothly expand their businesses internationally despite the rising spate of local data protection regulations. 

Since starting its journey in 2019, InCountry has strived to become one of the most reliable and transparent compliance companies in the world, and with the addition of these three industry standards to the company’s ledger, InCountry has formally demonstrated compliance with 12 globally-recognized security standards in just three years, irrefutable evidence of both the company’s commitment to compliance and the professional experience of its employees.

InCountry previously had Level-3 certification for Russia’s 152-FZ, the country’s main data protection regulations, but at the request of one of our clients, we spent the latter half of 2021 going through the necessary steps to upgrade our compliance to Level-1, the highest possible compliance. Thanks to our partnership with the largest Russian cloud services provider, Yandex.Cloud, which also holds Level-1 compliance, the InCounty platform is the definitive way for companies to enter the Russian market compliantly. 

Service Organization Control (SOC) I Type II is an internal control audit focused on financial reporting, and will be tremendously beneficial to our banking and fintech customers. SOC I Type II is the third Service Organization Control InCountry has achieved and represents an annual audit that analyzes things such as risk management, data security, and change management over a period of time to confirm certification. 

The GxP certification will bring value to our customers in healthcare just as SOC I Type II benefits those in finance and banking. GxP, deemed industry-best general practices, specifically regarding Clinical, Laboratory, and Manufacturing practices, was awarded to InCountry after several months of inspection to confirm alignment with the requirements of life science organizations. 

InCountry has been able to acquire so many notable security certifications so quickly not due to a rush to simply claim these certifications, but because of an effective foundation in data governance and compliance built on the back of industry-best practices by a team with over 100 years of collective industry experience. Compliance is not just a checkmark anymore, but a crucial part of doing business in both different industries and different countries, and understanding the how, what, and why of it has become a primary requirement in the business world. 

Security and proper data governance are at the heart of what InCountry does, and these certifications will help propel the company’s push toward further influence in the world of compliance and data security. You can see all of InCountry’s certifications and request the reports on SOC I Type II and GxP here.